This Event Has Ended
How can government ensure that its citizens have access to adequate health care? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an increasing share of Americans does not have health insurance, leaving 46 million people in the U.S. without health care coverage as of 2004. This increase has occurred despite expansions in public health care coverage and greater employment among the uninsured.
On December 5, 2006, the New England Public Policy Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston hosted a day-long conference on providing health care coverage to the uninsured in New England. Currently, each of the six New England states is grappling with this issue, with legislatures either proposing or pursuing policy changes aimed at addressing the rising rate of uninsured.
The conference convened a select group of key stakeholders including policymakers, insurers, hospital administrators, employers, public health advocates, and health policy researchers from across all six New England states and the nation.
The following conference report that summarizes the proceedings of the event.
NEPPC CR No. 06-1 (February 2007)
"Covering the Uninsured: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Alternatives for New England"
by Matthew Nagowski
Conference Presentations
Defining the Problem: Who Are the Uninsured and Why Are They Uninsured?
Katherine Swartz, Professor of Health Policy and Management
Department of Health Policy and Management
Harvard School of Public Health
Health Reform in the New England States: Massachusetts as a Possible Model
John Holahan, Director
Health Policy Research Center
The Urban Institute
Reaching the Goal: Evaluating Policy Alternatives for Expanding Coverage
Alicia Sasser, Economist
New England Public Policy Center
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Additional Information
Research guide to on-line materials on health insurance coverage
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