Today’s Interns, Tomorrow’s Professionals (TIP) internship program

Today's Interns, Tomorrow's Professionals (TIP) is the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's paid work and learning internship program for eligible high school students who have completed their sophomore year in the Boston Public Schools. It starts with a developmentally rich summer work experience that includes job coaching and skill-building workshops. Then, based on available openings and individual interest, effort, and performance, some students are selected for an extended year-round internship program that can last up to three years.

The Boston Fed is proud of our decades-long partnership with the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) to help spark the upward social and economic mobility of young adults. We remain committed to collaborating with PIC in providing opportunities for Greater Boston's marginalized youth to attain long-term employment and financial stability.

The Boston Fed recognizes that employer investment in human capital can have a lasting, positive impact on an employee's career and finances. A primary goal of TIP's program design is to explore innovations that could address persistent barriers to the economic stability and success of lower-income youth.

The program reflects cutting-edge research and the most promising practices in the youth development field. A paycheck and training in key interpersonal skills—like complex problem solving and conflict resolution—help TIP provide an impactful "first-job" experience that offers our interns on-ramps to professional employment opportunities in today's competitive job market.

Program Evolution

1982: The Boston Fed, in partnership with the Boston PIC, launches an internship program for Boston high school students to provide a pipeline to employment through summer jobs. The program is housed and managed within the Bank's "Public & Community Affairs" department—now "Regional & Community Outreach" (R&CO).

1990s: Classroom at the Workplace is implemented to address the PIC's request that academic support be provided in the program for interns who need it.

2006: In response to growing concern over low-income students' lack of access to careers in the financial and technology sectors, R&CO revamps the program, renaming it, "FinTech Scholars." FinTech is designed to cultivate interest in youth for careers within these growing segments of the job market.

2014: With a strategic goal of contributing to increasing human capital in the region, R&CO uses a variety of research to inform further enhancements to the program that aim to help local youth achieve both workplace success and personal financial stability. This research informs the restructuring of the summer FinTech internship program's enrichment component, which includes training in both "soft" (interpersonal) and "hard" (technical) skills, with a just-in-time delivery approach (i.e., financial management tips and training in conjunction with receiving their first paycheck).

Those who do well during the summer programming are eligible for the year-round program which supports interns for three critical transitional years—junior year of high school through first year of post-secondary education—helping students maximize present and future employment opportunities.

2017: To better reflect numerous program enhancements made over the previous three years, the FinTech Scholars internship is renamed "Today's Interns, Tomorrow's Professionals," or the TIP Program.

2020 forward: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic's worldwide impacts, the program pivots to continue supporting interns through new safety protocols and onsite restrictions. The future of work at many Boston companies, including the Fed, looks increasingly different than pre-pandemic. TIP flexes to provide both virtual and onsite work plans, supervision, and enrichment to interns in our "new normal" hybrid workforce environment.

Services & Resources

Internships and Co-ops

The Boston Fed offers a variety of paid and unpaid internship and co-op opportunities to high school and college students interested in economic research, community development, technology, finance, accounting, human resources, and other fields.

Publications & Data

