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Ending the week on a high note
Following a day long tour, President Rosengren and Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo joined state officials, Boston Fed leadership, and members of the philanthropic, nonprofit, business, and local government communities on May 12 for a celebration honoring the winning teams from the Working Cities Challenge in the Ocean State. Steve Osemwenkhae/Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
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Team Cranston
Cranston looks to increase social cohesion and address opportunity gaps among its growing low-income, minority populations, and more established communities. Steve Osemwenkhae/Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
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Rhode Islanders working together
Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo was on hand for the celebratory event held at the Providence Public Library. Governor Raimondo relayed her congrats to the winning teams and highlighted the great things that can happen when residents work together. Steve Osemwenkhae/Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
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Team Newport
Newport seeks to lift families out of poverty through the development of a well-established, integrated, and efficient workforce development system to fill vacancies in high demand industries within the city. Steve Osemwenkhae/Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
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Partner perspective
Funding for the Working Cities Challenge is provided through a collaboration of the state of Rhode Island, including the Raimondo administration, and by local and national philanthropic organizations. Living Cities President & CEO Ben Hecht lauded the team for pioneering new ways to work together. Steve Osemwenkhae/Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
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